A note from our wine expert Niesa:
Thanksgiving is going to be different for everyone this year, but the heartbeat that will be with us all is the spirit of gratitude. At Driver’s, we are thankful for all the people near and far who have made us who we are. As the wine merchant, I have been blessed to put together a wine department that not only reflects my passion for organic farming, but also my love of all the small independent wineries I get to share. Every wine you buy at Driver’s has a person behind it, making their wines with love and intention. Walking the vines, picking the fruit, watching the tanks bubble as the natural yeasts do their magic. I hope these wines bring you joy!
COVID has been devastating for the wine industry. Restaurants are a driving force for sales. Then came the fires. Many wineries lost their entire harvest from the smoke. Some were able to salvage part of their crop but everyone was affected. So this Thanksgiving I ask you to DRINK LOCAL. Below are a few selections that I am absolutely loving right now. Yes, I snuck in a Champagne, but Clemance Lelarge-Peugot lives in Petaluma. So it’s local-ish.
I just want to end this with saying how grateful I am for YOU! Thank you for choosing to buy your wines at the little community store on the corner in Sausalito–the world’s most gracious town. Your support means the world to me. Lastly, to Driver’s and the fun, quirky, careering people I get to work with. You make a store feel like family!!
Take care, stay healthy, and let’s plan one hell of a street party once this is over!!!
LOVE & (virtual) HUGS,